Rules and Regulations

Rules/ Information - av ‘Green Oaths’
1.    av ‘Green Oaths’ is completely a NON-PROFITABLE ORGANIZATION.
2.    The membership fee taken from the members are actually the funds collected by green oaths, which are used only for Environmental Purposes.
3.    Any new information about green oaths will be provided through cell phone messages to all the members.
4.    Any person not having the membership card will not be considered as a member of green oaths.
5.     Only Founders/ Co. Founders / Ch. Eco Secretary have the authority to Sign in or to terminate a member’s Registration.
6.     Every person joining av ‘green oaths’ should read all the rules and regulations.
7.    Any sort of misbehavior in the organization will not be bearable, and the person misbehaving will be immediately allotted his/her ID – TERMINATION CERTIFICATE.
8.    Every junior member is advised to respect and follow up his/her senior in green oaths.
9.    Any person can’t use green oaths’ logo or status for his/her personal purposes, without informing the Founders/Ch.eCo Secretary.
10.                      Teenagers (Below 18 yrs) are requested to get their Guardian’s permission for getting joined in Green oaths, as green oaths doesn’t wants to affect any Student’s Education or his/her personal life.

11. All the members are advised to attend the weekly Sunday meeting (not mandatory).
12. The members are requested to adopt eCo friendly activities.
13. In case of LOST MEMBERHIP CARD / FORGOTTEN ID NO , a written application is to be given to green oaths.
14. Every member of green oaths has to plant at least 1 tree with his/her own hands.
15. Any member or person has full authority to know anything about Green Oaths under the RTI ACT.
16. Posts of the members depend upon their effort and work for Environment, the post may get Raised or fall.
17. Any major decision to be taken is to be decided amongst the Association Permanent Members. (All F.N.Ds, CH.SEC, CHEXE, CHADV)